Our Projects
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The Search for
Leadership, Wellness, and Authenticity
When we take our authentic selves into the world where we live and work, and we help others do the same, stress decreases and workplaces come alive. My work aims to help you handle stress, deal with conflict, find your authentic self, and understand basic human behaviors. I have studied Adlerian psychology and, as an Adlerian, I believe in a holistic and socially-oriented approach to personal and professional well-being.
I have had the pleasure of working with some truly incredible clients, and I am forever grateful for the lessons I’ve learned from them as they, in turn, learned from me. Some of the clients I have worked with include the following:
Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies
Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies is a national organization representing state fish and wildlife agencies to help advance science-based conservation of fish, wildlife, and habitat for the public good. I serve as a national faculty member for the Management Assistance Team where many of my workshops are also offered, including internal dialogue, team wellness, cooperative language, conflict resolution, human-nature relationship and other leadership development sessions. I also served as the primary developer for a four-part series on the Power of Inclusion.
National Conservation Leadership Institute
National Conservation Leadership Institute is a leadership program under the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. I am an alumnus and have served as a coach and faculty for the program. My full-day session is on Courage & Vulnerability.
The Doris Duke Conservation Scholars Program Collaborative
The Doris Duke Conservation Scholars Program Collaborative “is a two-year experiential conservation training program for undergraduates who are interested in careers in conservation and in promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the field.” I offered several sessions on nature connection and resilience for groups during retreats. It is possible I learned more from the students and alumni than they did from me. This was a formative experience for me and I was honored to be a part of it.
Adler Graduate School
Adler Graduate School is a graduate-level college focusing on the principles of holistic psychologist Alfred Adler. I developed a series of workshops in Ecopsychology to teach the human-nature connection to therapists, social workers, teachers and other alumni of the school. The goal is to help participants create a reciprocal relationship with nature and welcome nature as a co-therapist in healing our bodies, minds, and Earth. I now serve as an adjunct faculty member, co-teaching Nature in Counseling.
National Conservation Government Agencies
I offer a variety of workshops listed on my website for several national governmental agencies around leadership capacity, resilience, eco-emotions, inclusion, and nature connection.
Stepping Up To Leadership
Stepping Up To Leadership “is a competency-based program that is designed to further expand the leadership capacity of Service employees to tackle our agency’s most difficult conservation challenges.” I do the session on Leadership Philosophy for this group.
Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference
Through the Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference and The Wildlife Society, my partners and I have offered several workshops around self-care, team wellness, and trauma-informed workplaces. I’ve also done some wellness work for the Minnesota Chapter of the Wildlife Society and also serve on their Diversity and Inclusion committee.
Women in Conservation Leadership
Women in Conservation Leadership was a program under the National Wildlife Federation to promote and empower women in the conservation community. I offered self-care workshops during spring of 2020 and one on stress as part of the 2020 Women in Conservation Leadership Summit.
United Way of McLeod County
United Way of McLeod County is a non-profit organization helping meet the needs of residents of McLeod County, Minnesota. I developed an experiential workshop entitled “Recognize, Celebrate, Move” for their 2nd annual Rural Women Conference. The theme of the conference was “Change” and I worked to develop a program that helped women understand the normal changes in life, how to celebrate them and use their past successful changes to have courage for the future.
Leadercast Women 2020 was a women’s leadership live event entitled “Take Courage” and put on by Leadercast. I assisted local organizer Compass Occasions to create an activity for women to convert the internal dialogue that renders them powerless to a dialogue of power and courage.
The National Conservation Training Center
The National Conservation Training Center provides training for United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) employees and conservation partners. The center worked with co-sponsors to provide recruitment, retention, and reactivation (R3) staff with tools and information to support their programs. I provided two major training sessions; one on basic facilitation and meeting planning skills and a second on strategic planning and implementation skills. Attendees included individuals from federal agencies, 30 states, and several non-governmental agencies. Sponsors included the Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation, the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, the Council to Advance Hunting and Shootings Sports and the Wildlife Management Institute.
I’ve also provided services to several shooting sports organizations to help retailers improve business and national organizations better work with members.
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Published articles
- Doerr, M., & Cahoy. B. (2023). Acknowledging Trauma in the Workplace. The Wildlife Professional Vol. 17 No. 1. Pg. 50-55
- Doerr. M. (2023) Moving Forward with Eco-Anxiety: Acknowledge, Adapt, and Advance. Guest Article for Dovetail Partners.
- Doerr. M. (2023) Workplace Well-Being: Wellness, Struggle, and Where to Start. Guest Article for Dovetail Partners.
- Doerr, M. (2022). Working in a World of Wounds. The Wildlife Professional Vol. 16 No. 4. Pg. 52-55
- Doerr, M. (2021). Tuning into Burnout. The Wildlife Professional Vol. 15 No. 1. Pg. 32-35
- Doerr, M. (2020). A Wellness Path for Wildlifers. The Wildlife Professional Vol. 14 No. 5. Pg. 57-59
- Doerr, M. (2019) Building Partnerships to Boost Archery. Archery Business Magazine.
- Doerr, M. (2019) How to Set Pro Shop Service Prices. Archery Business Magazine.
- Doerr, M. (2019) New Tactics for Recruiting New Hunters. Archery Business Magazine.
- Doerr, M. (2019) Archery Range Advocacy. Archery Business Magazine.
- Doerr, M. (2018) Archery Shop Advice: Listen and Observe. Archery Business Magazine.
- Doerr, M. (2018) Identifying Customer Expectations and Perceptions. Archery Business Magazine.