New Workshops Available

New workshops availableOver the past year or so, I have been slowly adding workshops and partners. I will be working to revamp my website to include this information on my workshops page. Until then, here is a list of new workshops available. 

We are working to connect and reconnect to self, others, and Earth. This is a systems approach to transformation. Join us!

Please feel free to contact me at for more extensive descriptions, pricing, and any other questions you might have. 

Leadership of Self – Leadership Development Program

Description: Too often, self-care and wellness are considered secondary to work. The reality is that “the success of an intervention depends on the interior state of the intervener” (Bill O’Brien). The best leaders must be healthy in mind, body, and spirit to effectively practice and model leadership with others.

This program combines current offerings with new workshops into a series designed to help individuals practice personal growth, develop a regular process for self-reflection, and claim their authentic selves so they can bring their best gifts to their current and future leadership capacity. It will help people uncover their inferiorities, learn how to accept them, and use their courage to adapt and grow. It will also support participants to claim who they are and are not, who they want to be, and how they want to lead others.

Through the past two years of self-care, team wellness, regenerative leadership, and other workshops, it is clear that people are suffering. They are longing for new ways of doing, being, and relating with work and colleagues. However, the best relationships start with a great relationship with yourself, where you can celebrate strengths and gifts while accepting imperfections. The goal of this series is to begin the process of becoming our most authentic selves so we can help others do the same. It is about developing practice for self-leadership making it easier to lead others.

Objectives include:

  • Uncover and reframe internal dialogues
  • Utilize personality and strengths assessments for personal growth
  • Claim our authentic selves and set appropriate boundaries
  • Expand our capacity for mindfulness and compassion
  • Develop a path of personal growth and a humanistic leadership philosophy

Time: 9, 2-hour experiential learning sessions, and 3, 2-hour office hours over a period of 6-12 months depending on your timeline.
Contact me for the full program description and outline.

Nurturing Trauma-informed Conservation Communities

Description: We are facing collective trauma including the climate crisis, a pandemic, and global instability and uncertainty. It’s more important now than ever to assume that the people we work with and serve have had experiences with traumatic events. The focus of this presentation is to help participants recognize trauma, discuss colonial trauma, climate trauma, implications for wildlife organizations, and regenerative/trauma-informed practices for organizations. Training on the trauma of colonization on original peoples will be provided. Lastly, discuss how to nurture a culture of compassion, wellness, and inclusivity at work through team building, creating brave spaces, and thriving workplaces.

Objectives of the session include:

  • Participants will learn definitions of trauma including
    • Individual trauma
    • Organizational trauma
    • Generational trauma
    • Cultural trauma
    • Climate trauma
    • Trauma of colonization on original peoples
  • Participants will learn about how the above layers of trauma might present at work
  • Participants will learn methods to recognize trauma
  • Trauma-informed leadership implications for wildlife organizations will be discussed
  • Participants will be invited to consider learning goals surrounding plans to develop safety, belonging, and significance at work.

Time: half-day
Co-facilitators: Michelle Doerr, Bre Hiivala Cahoy, and Christine Park

Acknowledging Ecogrief and Developing Resilience

Description: Like so many people in our world, conservation professionals are witnessing (and directly experiencing) significant loss in the natural world. In addition, their constituents, and the people around them are affected by these ecological changes. As a result of these losses, it is normal to feel a variety of emotional responses that are associated with grief, loss, stress, and even trauma. While conservation organizations appear to recognize that many of their employees are being affected by the loss they encounter daily, these same organizations may be struggling with how to best support employees. This unique course seeks to normalize the wide range of emotional responses that conservationists experience while empowering participants to act while taking care of themselves. This course is intended for those experiencing ecological grief and for those who wish to support them.

This one-half day workshop will:

  • Define ecological grief and eco-resilience
  • Provide a real-life example of how the changes in our eco-system have affected many of us at very personal levels
  • Examine common emotional reactions associated with ecological grief
  • Provide tools for moving through the grief process and other emotional reactions
  • Encourage participants to find ways to act while caring for themselves
  • Connect participants with a support community
  • Provide participants with resources for self-care and resilience

Time: half-day
Co-facilitators: Michelle Doerr, Jimmy Fox, and Tom Kalous

Regenerative Leadership Primer

Description: Join us for a primer on leadership that is life-affirming and ready to embrace change. We will use principles of Adlerian psychology (a holistic approach to wellbeing) to assess and inform. In addition, we will touch on theories in adaptive leadership, systems thinking, regenerative leadership, and trauma. Together, we will start building an ecosystem of leadership that promotes wellbeing, emotional intelligence, creativity, inclusivity, community, and a growth mindset. The end goal is to have the basic information needed to set a path for leadership development based on the needs of individuals, teams and for the benefit of the planet. Leadership development starts with the ability to lead oneself and this process continues throughout life. We share our learning with others to encourage their learning. Regenerative organizations encourage leadership learning throughout every employee’s tenure. Eventually, co-creation occurs in all areas of the organization. Leadership starts where you are, right now. It is not a linear process. Each person’s pathway is different, and each team develops their skills through prioritizing, practice, and regular and immediate feedback.

Objectives include:

  • Guidance for creating a more life-giving organization where learning is a part of everyday
  • Finding pathways for learning leadership skills at every level of the organization
  • Understanding how trauma fits into work behaviors and actions

Time: half-day
Co-facilitators: Michelle Doerr, Bre Hiivala Cahoy and Jyo Maan

Inclusive Leadership: Creating Brave Spaces

Description: If you ever wondered, how might we have the most critical of conversations and keep moving forward? This is for you. If you ever felt not heard, not seen, and not valued for your story, who you are, and not find meaning in collaborations; this is for you. If you are curious about handling difficult people in conversation; this is for you. If you want to invite diversity, inclusion, and belonging to your workplace but not have found means or ways to go all the way, this is for you.

The power of an inclusive space lies in first experiencing one. It also requires building up psychological muscle and learning what is required to create psychological safety. We invite you to join us in this two-part experiential learning lab for co-creating spaces where we all feel brave, including the hosted and the hosts. You will know what it feels like to experience “a holding container” or brave space, learn how to create the container, how to keep it energized, keep the conversation going and move toward actionable outcomes. You will walk out with an action plan for an upcoming meeting feeling confident to have that critical conversation in a safe and courageous manner.

Our Learning Objectives are:

  • Create safe to brave spaces for crucial conversations
  • Design an action-based learning plan for your next critical conversation/meeting
  • Navigate emotions and work toward possibilities
  • Strengthen psychological muscle
  • Build collaborative and meaningful conversations with teams (and stakeholders)

Time: half-day
Co-facilitators: Michelle Doerr and Jyo Maan

The Power of Inclusion

Description: The Power of Inclusion webinar series was developed to provide participants with a relevant, experiential learning opportunity. The focus on inclusion was the result of our experience with the agencies and knowing that without inclusion, anyone from marginalized communities was unlikely to experience belonging. While topics around diversity and inclusion are organizational issues, this series pushes participants to focus on the individual. As the individual gains greater awareness of their role in the system, each will begin to share insights and develop the means to make change. When we do this work as a group, the aim is to create even greater awareness and communities of people working on inclusion issues that most affect them.

The most successful sessions will be when detailed action plans can be developed with groups showing up ready to dive into the work. Facilitators cannot be more committed to the work than participants are. Facilitators are ready to be vulnerable and uncomfortable and work to make space for others to do the same.

Objectives include:

  • Relating diversity and inclusion to ecosystem biodiversity
  • Determining baseline beliefs and meanings about diversity and inclusion
  • Understanding how exclusion and inclusion are experienced
  • Discovering our Inclusify type and discussing how to move toward being an “Inclusifyer”
  • Assessing participant’s movement toward inclusion (to see, think and behave differently)
  • Creating a list of actions to begin immediately

Time: 4, 2-hour sessions with optional live feedback sessions after each session
Co-facilitators: Michelle Doerr and Dale Caveny
Required reading: Inclusify: The Power of Uniqueness and Belonging to Build Innovative Teams by Stephanie K. Johnson, PhD

Human Nature Connection: Building Ecowellness, Stewardship and Inclusion

Description: Are you ready to open to people who have relationships with nature different from your own? Join us for a four-part series that will explore and challenge your beliefs about access and nature. We will consider an ecowellness model to examine our own relationship with nature and dig into environmental identity. We will contemplate ways to converse with and embrace the experiences of anyone we meet outdoors while minimizing harm. The end goal is to pursue ways to move people from tourists to explorers and advocates of our land, water, and wildlife.

The first session will focus on homework reflection, self-awareness, and self-care regarding nature. We will acknowledge ways our environmental identities develop. The second session will uncover access and dive deeper into aspects of environmental identity. We will be claiming our own environmental identities in session three. We will also finish our discussion of the ecowellness model, including a gaze into transcendence and putting humans in perspective to nature. The final session will include an introduction to a nature relationship spectrum and a fishing program using the ecowellness model. It will conclude with breakouts to consider how to incorporate series concepts into agency relevancy.

What to expect:

  • A pre-homework assignment and completion of a survey with your homework reflection is required for access to the series. We will provide modifications to anyone who cannot get outside.
  • An environmental identity assignment between session 2 and 3.
  • Engagement through a combination of breakouts, polls, and chat (we will use – no sign up required).
  • Reflection on the previous workshop at the beginning of each new session.
  • Small mindfulness and presence activities conducted throughout.
  • A compiled list of ideas for agency relevancy discussed during the sessions.

Time: 4, 2-hour sessions with optional live feedback sessions after each session